STOP These Hidden Money-Repelling Beliefs - For Quicker And Easier Wealth Attraction - Part 5 of 5

STOP These Hidden Money-Repelling Beliefs - For Quicker And Easier Wealth Attraction - Part 5 of 5

Why EVERYTHING Is Programming
(& What To Do About It)

What most people will never understand about money and wealth is…

…it’s controlled almost entirely by your unconscious mind. Here’s how:

See, your unconscious can’t create judgements, distinctions, unique thoughts, or complex ideas… like your conscious mind can.

It doesn’t know how to ‘avoid’ the things it’s exposed to. It records and acts on everything you encounter, in a ‘mechanical’ way.

In fact, there’s proof your unconscious mind records MILLIONS of bits of information every second—without you knowing.

On the other hand, your conscious mind only holds about seven ‘data points’ at a time.

Here’s why this is the single biggest advantage 
for your wealth attraction:

Your unconscious is constantly taking in your surroundings, your interactions, the events you encounter, your thoughts and your feelings…

And it uses that information to control your life far more than you realize…

Any time you make a decision or take an action without thinking about it, that’s your unconscious mind guiding you.

If you’ve ever ‘spaced out’ while driving and didn’t remember the trip when you arrived… your unconscious mind was the one steering the wheel.

So—in most domains of life, your unconscious MASSIVELY helps you navigate the world.

But when it comes to getting rich?

…if you’re like most people, you’re only programming it to repel wealth from your life.

We’re About To Change That.

In this Fifth and final installment of our Money-Repelling beliefs series, we explain why EVERYTHING in your life is programming.

That programming can either attract more wealth to you or repel it. There’s no in-between.

You’re about to discover what to do about this—to make sure you’re using your unconscious powers to guide you to the wealth you desire. And un-root ALL money-repelling consciousness from your brain!

If you need to catch up with parts One through Four of this Money Mindset series, check them out here before we begin:

[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]

To understand how to program your unconscious for wealth attraction, here’s the most important question we can ask you:

Are You Comfortable
Around Money?

Most people aren’t. And that discomfort is only making wealth bolt away from them.

As we mentioned in a previous part of this series—money is just paper. It’s meant to FLOW. So let it flow!

In order to help it flow, you must be casual with it.

But if you’re uncomfortable around money, you’ll have a certain “tightness”…

You’ll clench onto it nervously…

Because of that uncomfortable tightness, most people don’t think or talk about money unless it’s absolutely necessary.

They don’t take money out with them.

They don’t trust themselves with it. They lock it up at home because they’re afraid it’ll run away. They don’t even like to LOOK at it.

And that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

They’re only telling their unconscious mind money is scarce.

When you’re tight with money, your unconscious doesn’t understand the idea that you’re trying to save it…

It just forms the impression that money is “stagnant”—it doesn’t flow.

…that it must be locked up, never to be touched.

If your own money doesn’t flow, your unconscious mind won’t let more flow to YOU.

That doesn’t mean you should be an irresponsible spender…

But being nonchalant about spending a few bucks here and there signals to your unconscious that money’s purpose is to FLOW.

It’ll find more ways for money to flow to YOU. And make you more comfortable with it (and with earning a LOT MORE of it).

More often than not, self-made rich people had that same casual attitude about money BEFORE they got rich.

They understood this principle—either intuitively or by learning it.

So that’s the first part of your new unconscious programming. The next part is to…

Experience Your Cash!

Remember—you’re at ease with money now. So before you go out, realize you might want to buy something—and carry cash with you instead of plastic.

Cash is a better signal to your brain.

You can still use credit cards. But you won’t get the same unconscious reward with credit that you do when you’re physically handling bills. It’s just more ‘real’.

Even when you’re not out, don’t be so uptight and keep your cash locked up!

Being casual about money also means laying it around your home, where you can see it. Let it build up a bit before you do anything with it.

Why? Because money attracts itself!

The worst thing you can do is only deal with digits—on a screen you can’t touch.

You’ll send your brain far more powerful wealth signals when you physically deposit checks… than if you have direct deposit and don’t deal with it at all.

You’re telling your mind you attract wealth by DOING the action:

You receive a psychological impact from depositing the money. From seeing the checks. Even from making out a bank deposit slip…

Because we can’t say this enough: EVERYTHING is programming.

Some people delegate all those actions to other humans or software—and that’s a shame. Do it yourself.

Celebrate the act of making more money! Take joy in it. Make it a fun ritual.

When you condition your unconscious to do this—the same way it can drive a car for you—it will give you a giant leap toward wealth attraction.

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What You Heard
At The Top Of The Stairs

When you were young, you probably had this experience:

Your parents put you to bed. Then you snuck back out… and at the top of the stairs you listened to the adults down below.

Well, the words you heard during that time have a bigger impact on what’s happening with you today… than you may ever know.

It’s worth trying to identify what you heard. Because it’s re-playing in your head CONSTANTLY:

Your unconscious mind was at least 100 times more receptive to this during your formative years.

And what did most people hear at the top of the stairs?

Conversations about money. And it wasn’t very good or helpful in any way…

Stop to think right now: did you hear a lot of ABUNDANCE conversations? Or scarcity?

Most people heard scarcity. Bills, taxes, how there’s never enough…

The price of gas. The price of car repairs. The price of groceries. And it all had negative tone to it, didn’t it?

How does your unconscious take that negative tone?

It doesn’t ONLY form scarcity beliefs. It hard-wires scarcity beliefs into your head, then…

Superglues Them To A Packet
Of Fear, Shame, Or Guilt!

Some people get programmed in childhood with feelings of being a burden to their family because of the signals they get about the money required to raise them.

Even when their family was loving and well-intentioned… the sub-communications from money stress can send signals. And your unconscious mind picked up on them, loud and clear.

That can have serious effects on your wealth as an adult.

Your family didn’t know any better. They’re not to be blamed. But realize the “tracks” you heard at the top of the stairs are now re-playing—in ways you’re probably not aware of.

It’s worth going back to those early experiences. Identify it and eradicate it.

You’ll notice the beliefs from those experiences coming out in...

Your Self Talk

There’s actually a bumper sticker that says, “Off to work I go, to pay the bills I owe.”

Yeesh. That’s a crappy reason to go to work. Isn’t it?

It’s why most people aren’t as industrious as they should (or could) be. They’re working for the wrong reasons!

Because—what’s that statement focused on? “The bills I owe.”

It might just be a cute saying, but your unconscious is taking it seriously every single day. It’s determining your life. Don’t mess around with that!

Commit to monitoring the words you say and think to yourself. When you notice beliefs that are counter-productive to wealth creation, remove them.

Speaking of bills… let’s talk about their wealth-repelling effects on your consciousness:

Where Do Most People
Keep Their Bills?

Out, in the open. On the kitchen counter. On the desk. Always visible.

Where did your parents keep their bills? Because that was programming too…

Most people keep their bills in the kitchen—the most used room of the house, where everybody gathers.

Or in the top kitchen drawer—the easiest one to access and the “most important” spot.

Why are your bills front-and-center?

Not only are they always visible… in order to figure out which ones to pay this week, you have to shuffle through tons of them.

What message is that sending your unconscious mind?

A lot of bad things. But most importantly, you’re telling your unconscious that bills are a central focus of your life—and more important than anything else that could be there.


That doesn’t mean don’t pay them. All it means is—don’t treat them like a central focus. Don’t give them much thought at all. Put them off somewhere, like an afterthought.

In fact, keep your top kitchen drawer full of CASH. Seriously.

You want to be SEEING money regularly! Experience your money more than your bills.

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Are You Penny Wise And
Pound Foolish?

P. T.  Barnum, in his 1880 book The Art Of Money Getting, told a story:

It was about an innkeeper who only lights one candle per night—because two are too expensive. Especially since she has trouble filling her inn with paying customers.

She has many business books. If she read them, she’d be able to use the knowledge to get more customers. But she can’t read with only one candle.

Since she saves out on candles at 30 cents apiece, she goes into town and spends a few dollars on new curtains.

But if she “splurged” on the candles and read business books every night—she’d have hundreds or thousands extra to spend.

Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish. Think big. You don’t want to pay…

The Price Of Focusing
On Small Things

A person who knows the price of small things will only ever get small results. And those subconscious signals will repel wealth.

Never concern yourself over the price of gas. That’s wasted energy.

If you need gas, you’re going to get gas. So what difference does it make what the gas costs?

Since it makes no difference… why clutter your mind knowing about it? Focus on BIG things.

Do you know what the price of a head lettuce is? You shouldn’t!

Some people always know what a head of lettuce costs. At TWO different stores! And they’re constantly keeping track.

When it raises from $2.49 to $2.87, you’d better bet they’ll complain about it.

Listen—it doesn’t make a difference. If you want lettuce, you’re GOING to get lettuce. Why know what it costs?

People who know the price of small things make small amounts of money. The unconscious message is that small prices are huge matters to them. It’s scarcity.

How are you ever going to make LARGE amounts of money if you’re telling your unconscious such small, insignificant costs are worth getting worked up about?

As you can see…

EVERYTHING Is Programming.

And ANYTHING that is repetitively stuck in your head will accumulate. It will begin to govern everything else you do…

Every conversation you have, every Netflix show you watch, whatever you read and are exposed to repetitively…

…it’s ALL going into your head—and shaping your ability to:

  • See money-making opportunities around you, whether they’re there or not (and trust us, they’re there)…
  • Feel worthy of more money—and have the conviction to get it…
  • Take action without doubting yourself--or feeling like it’s not going to work before you can even prove it
  • Give off all the subtle body language and attitudes that make people WANT to throw money at you!

Because your mind creates and adapts to what you expose it to most.

When this accumulates in your unconscious mind and comes to fruition, it’s called…

The Magic Of Acceleration:

ALL change happens—good or bad… by this unconscious law of Acceleration.

For example, it’s how you buy a car:

It starts with a fleeting thought for a millisecond…

You may see a car you like, or an ad for the car…

It might look good, but… whatever. You weren’t shopping for a car and it wasn’t on your radar. But you saw it, and thought it might look good.

That first part only lasts for a second.

Then, maybe a week later, you see the car again. The thought lasts a little longer this time.

A month later… you’re driving and realize it’s been a while since you’ve gotten a new car…

Maybe a minor problem occurs, like your car door has an issue. And for ten or fifteen minutes, you think about that car you saw again…

These Thoughts Either Die Out,
Or They Accelerate.

The day the new car becomes all you’re thinking about… is pretty much a day or two before you’ll buy the new car.

That’s how EVERYTHING happens.

It’s how people get rich and it’s how people make drastic health changes. It’s how people get married, too.  

But the process doesn’t discriminate on whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing.

It’s simply a result of your unconscious receiving daily signals. And eventually, it hits a tipping point.

This Is The Very Process
That’ll Make You Rich, If You’ll Let It…

The trick to faster achievement—to become wealthy and live your dreams SOONER rather than decades from now…

…is to get to the last part of that process QUICKER. The part where it’s all you can think about.

As soon as that happens, IT happens. You buy the car, get serious about wealth, propose, or get a personal trainer and swear off sugar.

You go ALL IN on whatever it is.

The problem? For most of us it takes a hell of a long time to get to the point where wealth is the only thing we’re thinking about.

But when you know how this works, you can get to the end of the process and become wealthy FASTER.

In order to do that, you must:

  1. Get rid of the money-repelling beliefs you may have, so there’s nothing in the way…
  2. Feed your unconscious mind the right visual, concrete signals of money and wealth as MUCH as possible.

For maximum results, these unconscious signals must be everywhere you look, every day. Do everything you can to feed them to your brain:

Money laying around, a drawer full of it like we mentioned above, achievement-focused artwork—anything to make it ALL you think about.

This Is Exactly Why
We Create Wealth-Focused,
Canvas Wall Art.

…to help you do just that.

See, these principles work much better when your unconscious wealth signals have beauty and emotion attached to them. Those are huge motivators to your unconscious!

When you hang one where you’ll see it every day—even if you ‘get used’ to it consciously, or don’t think you’ll always notice it…

…your unconscious mind will be taking in the stunning wealth signals on your artwork and using it to propel you toward your desires. It’ll be feeding your mindset every day.

It’ll get you to the end of the Acceleration to wealth—so you live your dreams FASTER.

This Acceleration process controls your entire life. Everything you’ve ever got, are going to get, everything you’ve lost and everything you’ve ever achieved—it went through this process.

Why not control it? Why not speed it up?

If you chose to read this article, your Acceleration process has already started. At least a little bit...

From here, there are only three different ways it can go:

  1. You can forget about it, stop sending the right signals to your brain, and your ambitions will die out (or you’ll never act on them). That’s what most people do.
  2. You can ignore this process—and the Acceleration process will slowly and painfully inch to completion over years or a decade before you get rich…
  3. OR, you can HACK the process and become wealthy ASAP—by realizing how this works and fueling your unconscious mind with the proper signals every single day.

The choice is yours.

If you’d like to check out the passionate artwork we’ve designed specifically to accelerate this process, check out our store here.

And keep an eye out for more blog updates like this one in the future!

To Your Success,

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