STOP These Hidden Money-Repelling Beliefs - For Quicker & Easier Wealth Attraction - Part 4 of 5

STOP These Hidden Money-Repelling Beliefs - For Quicker & Easier Wealth Attraction - Part 4 of 5

Will Money Make You A Bad Person? The Undisputed Truth…

At the time of this writing, Netflix is raising its prices by $1 or $2 per month, depending on the plan. And some people are absolutely livid about it.

Furious outrage has sparked on social media:

One Twitter user wrote, “Here’s an idea, stop making 100 different new shows a year, most of which are crap and stop making us bear the costs.”

Said another Twitter user: “Netflix doesn’t need to raise their prices. We didn’t ask for all these trash originals that they cancel after one season.”

So here’s the question:

Do those people have a right to be angry? By raising their prices, is Netflix preying on people for profit?

Are they being greedy opportunists? Taking advantage of their user base?

Your response to that question
is an indicator of your earning potential.

Now, if you’re reading this and you’re a Netflix user… you probably don’t mind the couple-dollar price hike.

But this kind of thing exists on a spectrum—and the way you think about it as a whole has a hidden impact on your income. One you may not be aware of…

Getting the idea out of your head that the wealthy are greedy, bad people preying on those less fortunate…

…and becoming okay with occasionally being mislabeled as a “predator” when you do what you need to do to live your dream life…

…is necessary to become rich.

Because “opportunism,” as we’ll call it, exists to some degree in every single form of wealth accumulation.

And it’s NOT immoral. You’re about to discover that in this post.

Welcome to Part Four of our series on the Hidden Money-Repelling Beliefs!

We’re about to eradicate the misconceptions and lies you’ve been told—that money will make you a greedy, “bad person” who takes advantage of others…

If you haven’t read the first three installments of this Money Mindset Series, check them out below (your future bank account will thank you):

Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.

Now as you read on—if you believe you’re free and clear of the notion that money makes you a bad person… don’t be so certain.

As you’ll see in a moment, it can sneak into your subconscious mind from the most insignificant events—and cause you to sabotage your wealth-creating efforts!

In the previous installment, we covered Beliefs 3 through 5. So we’ll pick up where we left off, and start with…

Money-Repelling Belief #6:
“Having Money Will Turn Me Into A
Greedy Opportunist Or Downright Bad Person”

Here’s a less “extreme” example—but one a LOT of people still complain about:

A gas station owner raises his prices on the Friday before a holiday weekend.

What’s your reaction?

Most people only see raised prices and curse that he’s gouging them. But if you want to get rich, think twice before you get angry at something like that…

Partly because that price hike is part and parcel of what he MUST do.

See, at other times during the year, there are price wars in his neighborhood. He’s forced to sell gas for less than it costs him in order to stay in business.

And if he’s in a truly competitive area…

He sells his gas at a loss the entire time. Just so a fraction of those people will give his general store business or buy a car wash.

There are all sorts of fluctuations in his business. He better make maximum profits when the opportunity presents itself—in order to make up for the times he can’t make any profit at all.

Here’s why that’s important for you:

If you feel bad taking advantage of opportunities when the situation calls for it, you’ll never acquire much wealth.

That’s what entrepreneurship IS. Opportunism.

Every man’s tragedy is someone else’s opportunity. And that’s not a bad thing. That’s COMMERCE:

  • The fire alarm business wouldn’t exist if there weren’t tragic fires.
  • The finance industry wouldn’t be so lucrative if most people didn’t have to borrow due to not making ends meet.
  • The medical industry wouldn’t exist if we didn’t have catastrophic health issues.
  • Law firms wouldn’t exist without ugly, painful legal disputes.
  • If we could eliminate crime tomorrow, millions of police officers would be out of jobs.
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One Of The Leading Reasons Money Flows
Is Because Of Tragedy.
Disaster. Problems. Painful Events.

Does that make entrepreneurs bad people—who take advantage of tragedy for profit?

Well, is anyone else willing to solve those problems for free? It appears not, or there’d be no market for those businesses.

If you call opportunism a bad thing—but still desire solutions to your problems…

The point is—problems require solutions. The bigger the problem you can solve, the more money you’ll get paid for it.

So PROUDLY call yourself an opportunist. You’ll be fully congruent with the actions necessary to shamelessly seize the opportunities all around you—and rake in the cashola for yourself. 

But What About Being

Too often, achievement, accomplishment, and ambition is defined as greed.

People claim the rich “hog” money for themselves and leave everyone else out to dry. This is a complicated and touchy subject.

But here’s the million-dollar question (quite literally):

If you’re getting the most money possible for the goods or services you deliver… is that greed or intelligence?

Greed or ambition?

Are you a better person if you voluntarily take less money than you could for your product?

Not in our book. That’s a SMART thing to do:

Because—as we proved in Part One of this series—money is NOT zero-sum. There’s plenty of it for everyone.

You can’t, in any way, help those less fortunate by making less money for yourself.

That does NOTHING for them!

And you don’t hurt anyone else by making as MUCH money as humanly possible for yourself.

Being called “greedy” is not the business owner’s problem or responsibility. It’s the consumer’s misconception.

So replace the word “greed” with ambition. Achievement. Accomplishment. That’s what it really is. And as you’ll see in a moment—the richer you become, the more good you’ll be able to do anyway.

The next part of this massive, money-repelling misconception is the concept of…

Taking Advantage Of
Market Conditions:

You’ll hear the term “excessive profits” thrown around in the media. It’s in places it shouldn’t be, like the Wall Street Journal.

It’s the idea that the highest person in a company—the CEO—should only be paid a multiple of the lowest person.

Sounds logical at first glance, right? But it’s the most irrational idea a business can adopt.

In the real, physical world of commerce, that would be a fast way for a business to fail. It goes against the way things HAVE to work!

Here’s why:

First, CEO payment (and anyone’s payment) is based on marketplace value.

And if the CEO takes too much money for himself too many times in a row, the marketplace will catch up to him—and profits will be gone.

If he’s truly being unfairly and irrationally compensated, like many people say… he’ll be in DEEP trouble. The company will either cease to exist, or he’ll lose his job. And he’ll have an impossible time getting hired ever again.

But if a CEO does an outstanding job to make the company superior and remarkable in every way… that’s the most valuable thing a company can have! They’ll create more valuable products, hire more people, and expand to new heights.

That’s why companies WANT outstanding CEOs. They’re in-demand.

That’s also why CEOs make salaries proportional to what they can accomplish for the company. Because of what they DO.


How To Increase The
Money You Get Paid Immediately:

Let’s say your job is to tighten a bolt on the side of a doo-hickey in an assembly line.

If you were tightening the same bolt the same way 5 years ago that you are today, that’s not worth any more money than it was 5 years ago. You’re doing the same thing.

BUT—if you:

  • Tighten the bolt 50 times faster to increase production…
  • Tighten the bolt in a way to cut the recall rate by 50%…
  • Invent a machine that tightens 50 bolts at once, saving the company money…

That’s worth higher pay. Simple, right?

But most people don’t understand that. They see other people getting pay increases and just assume it’s unfair that they’re not getting paid the same way.

In other words, “those who expect higher pay when they haven’t increased the value of what they’re doing.” That’s completely irrational.

In many cases these are people who HAVE seen entrepreneurship. They know about it. And they have every opportunity to create value and get paid more…

They just don’t.


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Having Money Will Change
You Into A Bad Person.

Even if you’re actively pursuing wealth, and do not hold this belief consciously… it can hide out in a dark corner of your unconscious mind. It was probably put there in your childhood.

And it will sabotage you.

Disney movies, fairytales and comic books of all kinds—more often than not—portrayed wealthy people as the evil antagonists.

Usually because the writers of those stories weren’t wealthy themselves and didn’t know better.

Ironically, that kind of story sells more in the public, too!

But as a result of this misconception, entrepreneurs and business owners fear becoming wealthy.

…As if, once they get past a certain income level, the number in their bank account will start affecting their morality…

They’ll start thinking evil thoughts. Being unkind to their neighbors. Getting grumpy. And descending into a permanent pit of corruption. They’ll start taking advantage of people. Lying. Cheating. Stealing. Oh, the horror.

Those are all lies. Because…

Here’s The Indisputable Truth:

Whether you’re wealthy or poor has nothing to do with being a good or bad person. Character is NOT changed by money.

Money only amplifies the quality of character you’d have anyway. We’ll get to that part in a second as we wrap this post up.

But first, remember this:

So far, in the entire history of the convenience store industry… there has yet to be a robbery by a person who pulled up in a Lamborghini.

Never has a getaway car for a bank heist been a stretch limo.

No one pickpockets a wallet from a stranger, then retires to their yacht.

At the same time, wealth allows those with GOOD intentions to multiply their good deeds at a prodigious level!

Just look at the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation. What they’re doing to help people in developing countries gain better health, education, and resources is FAR more good than most have accomplished.

And it’s NOT because Bill and Melinda Gates are “better people” than you or I.

They have the same good intentions and even motivation millions of others may have—they just have more money. It allows them to multiply their good.

No one can argue that!

We’re not saying there aren’t also rich people with questionable morals. There’s tons of ‘em! But getting rich didn’t make them that way—they were like that before becoming wealthy.

Money Is An Amplifier.

If you want to do good things in the world, money will allow you to do exceedingly more good than you could have done without it.

Unfortunately, the same is true if you want to do bad things.

But that should give you more motivation to get rich. Not prevent you from it.

If you consider yourself a “good” person, who wants to help people and do good things in the world…

…you’re doing yourself and all the people you could help a MASSIVE disservice by not getting rich.

Your good intentions could be multiplied a thousandfold with more money!

So un-link this idea that somehow money will corrupt you. Money is neutral. If you want to do good, money can ONLY help you.

Once you fully grasp that it’s your DUTY to get rich—so you can have a bigger impact on the world, and everyone will LOVE you for it…

…a brand new level of focus and motivation sets in.

You’re not just doing it for yourself. You’re helping others by helping yourself. You’re being a jerk to them by NOT getting rich.

So imagine the day when hoards of people are cheering you on for impacting their lives profoundly—and realize the wealthier you make yourself, the easier it will be for you to make that a reality.

To Your Success,

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