The Magical Scientific Process For The Foolproof Creation Of Your Exceptional Success [PART 2]

The Magical Scientific Process For The Foolproof Creation Of Your Exceptional Success [PART 2]

Photo by Warren Wong

This is part 2 of the 2-part series that gives you a repeatable scientific process for:

  • Creating any outcome in your life that you want
  • How to create those outcomes MUCH more quickly than you would have gotten them otherwise, and
  • Purring them all into a repeatable scientific process you can count on.

This is a matter of physics. If you do this exactly how I tell you, it has to work.

If you’re reading this, you should have by now already gone through Part 1 — and completed the simple exercise from that post. If not, read Part 1 here first — or Part 2 won’t make much sense to you.

By now, you should have:

  1. Written out the future you want
  2. Created your future memory based on it, and
  3. Felt it as an identity — as something you have already done — just not yet.

Now that all that is established…

Let’s Get You That
Amazing Future:

So now you’ve experienced a sense of your results — what it’s like to have had the success that you want. The wealth you intended to have is IN the bank. You’re living the lifestyle quality you want to live as a result of having had that wealth.

The relationships you want to have had, you have already built — and you’re living inside of them. Your career has flourished and you’ve done the kinds of things you wanted to do, and you’ve learned the kinds of things you want to be learning…

Whatever’s important to you is present. Health, wealth, relationships — they’re all there, and because of that, you have that feeling about who you are. You have a way of being that you know yourself to be — that “this is who I am.” Which includes all the stuff around you.

This is your ontological form - a sense of BEING who you want to be in the future.

Now bear with me. This will all be super-simple in a moment: This “ontological form” you feel, for our purposes, we will call it the…


The Post-Event is the experience of you already having gone through the EVENT that got you what you wanted. The Post-Event is the memory of you in the future having done what you wanted to do. It’s already finished. Which is why it’s now a solid memory.

Of course, that means that from the “Post-Event”, you are looking back on the Event — which is you actually doing the action and successfully accomplishing what you want. And the Event, in turn, leads to the Post-Event if we’re moving forward in time.

But imagine, if you will, a Passageway. It’s not running forwards but backwards in time — FROM your Post-Event to your future Event...

We’ll call that…

Your Teleological Passageway.

It means we’re working backwards in time from the Post-Event, to the Event. And as a refresher — Teleology is when things happen not because of anything in the past, but because of the future. The event itself is the reason it happened.

There’s no past “cause”. The effect is an end simply because of itself. It means your Post-Event IS the reason your Event got you there. And the past has nothing to do with it.

The opposite of your Teleological Passageway is…

Your Historical Passageway.

That’s the one we DON’T want to rely on. That’s the corridor everyone thinks they need to rely on. But they don’t. It looks at the future as a function, or result, of the past. The Historical Passageway starts from your present position, out toward the future.

We can still use your Historical Passageway a little to see directly in front of us. But we want to rely mainly on your Teleological Passageway to get you to where you want.

So let me ask you something:

You know how when you shine a flashlight, the beam is strongest and most concentrated the closer you get to the source of the light? And then the light spreads outward into a cone-like shape, dispersing and getting weaker the farther away from the flashlight it gets?

Get that in your head, then…

Imagine This For A Moment:

Imagine you’re standing on your timeline, in the present — and shining a flashlight to the future. The flashlight beam is brightest the closer it is to where you’re standing. Which is the present. But as you shine it into the unknown darkness, the beam light gets wider, disperses out and fades.

Even 20 or 30 feet out from you, things aren’t as well-lit because the light has spread out, dispersed, and faded too much. And since the beam gets wider the further out you go … it includes many possible futures you can’t see very well — and have to “guess” at.

When you are shining your flashlight from the present, that’s your Historical Passageway. It allows you to see what’s directly in front of you but widens out and becomes weaker. It loses power the farther you look out into the future. And the beam gets broader to include many possible futures — instead of a focused beam, to get you the one you want.

Now Imagine You Are
Still Standing In The Present…

But this time, the flashlight is not shining from where you are. It’s in the future, facing back at you — all the way from the Post-Event you imagined for yourself.

It’s just the opposite, isn’t it?

The broadest, weakest part of the beam will be shining on you, in the present. And as you move to the future, the beam gets more and more narrow until you have arrived at the brightest, most narrow, focused point — your future memory.

In the Teleological Passageway, your “cone of light” expands as it goes from the future back to the present. It doesn’t shrink — but as you move from the present into the future, you can see it narrows down to get brighter exactly where you want it.

And that is now how we think about looking into the future. The focus begins to sharpen at your Post-Event.

In the Teleological Passageway, at the beginning, in our present, every possibility that is imaginable is there for us. And as we begin taking steps towards realizing the outcomes we want — to having the life we want to have — we narrow it down into the very specific and focused future we want to be living.

This is a more powerful thing to be able to do than you think:

Here’s What This Means

Your big Event that gets you your outcome (leading to your Post-Event) is now this experience you’re going to choose. It’s what you’re going to focus on. It is where you want to put your attention.

So now, ask yourself:

What is it you want to happen? What’s important for you next?

It could be a relationship change you want to make, something in your career that you really want to focus on and make happen for you. A promotion. An opportunity. Starting a new business. Learning a new skill.

Is there a wealth outcome that you want to focus on?

Take that Post-Event you built for yourself, and from it…

Pick ONE thing.

Not everything. Choose one particular relationship outcome. Or one particular health outcome. Or one particular wealth-driven outcome. Or one particular outcome about learning or experience you have.

Whatever it might be — a particular outcome about your sense of life quality, fitness, health, well-being — pick ONE thing as your Event.

It’s very important you start with choosing ONE thing. You can do this over and over and over and over endlessly — again and again through life. But to start, learn this process with just ONE thing.

Once you’ve done it once, this process will be available to you for everything. Anything you want to do — you’ll be able to use this same repeatable process to achieve. Because remember, this works like a scientific formula. And once you’ve chosen the event, that one event you chose is the most important thing. It could be:

“I want to be able to write C++ computer code.”

“I want to be able to look at my bank account and know that I’ve accumulated $100,000 dollars of liquid capital I can play with.”

“I want to be able to run a mile in xyz seconds.”

Whatever that event is. Choose what it will be. Then go back to the Post-Event.


Think Of (Or Write) Your
Answers To These Questions:

What’s the event — the thing you want to happen? Write it down. Could be a single word or many words.

For example, “I want to accumulate $100,000 of liquid capital that I can invest.” Boom. That’s the event.

Next: How will you know that you’ve achieved it? How will you know it has happened? What will be the external evidence that you have that result?

Now for the above example you might say, “I’ll see it in my bank account. My bank account shows I have $100,000 or more in a particular account that I’ve established specifically for investment.”


“I’ve opened an investment account with one of the brokerage firms. And in that account I can see that there’s 100,000 of liquid capital for me to use”

Whatever it may be. How will you know it’s happened? What’s the external evidence out there in the world that lets you know?

And include any reciprocal things that will have happened, too:

Things like the way somebody else will respond to you as a result. A relationship change that’s going to happen because of it. A change in the way you work. A change in the way you feel about yourself. Whatever changes are reciprocal to knowing the event: “I see the money in my brokerage account”…

How will that change other things in your life?

You may have had to have done more work — and you realize that “I now look back over my life and I put in an extra 7 hours a week.” Or “I did that side-gig thing.” Or “I made a relationship around something with my boss and I got more money.” Or “I changed the nature of my business”…

It’s happened already — so what occurred, what’s evident, in the world around you?

And here’s the last question: Knowing all that, how do you feel about yourself knowing you’ve achieved that?

Allow yourself to go into the future, and allow yourself to feel the experience knowing — that whatever it was that had to exist — so you’ve achieved that one outcome — and now you’re beyond it so it’s already happened. What’s it like to know that you did that? How do you feel?

Write down your answers. Because remember — the writing down part externalizes the information. Which changes the way your brain works in response to all of this.

So To Recap:

Here are the three questions to get straight:

  1. What’s the event—the ONE thing you want to have happened
  2. What will let you know that it’s happened in the outside world, and
  3. How will you feel about knowing it’s happened?

Write the answers to those down.

And now — coming back — at least mentally having gone through that exercise (and if you didn’t write it down, hopefully you plan to)…

Let’s Look Back At
Your Historical Passageway
For A Moment:

Since in your Historical Passageway, the “beam of light” is shone from the present, the further you get from the present… the more foggy the outcome becomes if you’re starting from the present looking into the future.

The future is more unknown…

That’s where unpredictability is.

And inside of that unpredictability, are what we like to call…

Event Horizons.

This is an incredibly useful thing to know about. Event Horizons are things you can’t see beyond. And that’s perfectly fine for what we’re doing here. It’s okay not to be able to see beyond these Event Horizons.

Because what’s going to happen… is you’re only going to worry about what’s before the Event Horizon. After it — you don’t care. You are ONLY going to concern yourself with going from where you are, to what you can do next.

You can build a predetermined plan to implement that. Everything before the Event Horizon is the very first STEP you can take — not STEPS — but ONE step.

Plan that step out in meticulous detail.

What are you going to do that will move you just a little bit closer to where it is you need to go? Because you can’t know what’s going to happen after the Event Horizon — after you take that step — until you’ve actually taken the step and can see further out.

So you’re not going to bother building steps 2 and 3 and 7 and 12 and 14.

You’re Simply Going To TRUST:

You’re going to trust that now having built an incredibly clear, powerful representation of the future, your mind will begin to automatically notice what's in the environment — what’s in the world around you that you need to notice — as you take each individual step and get closer to your outcome.

So rather than wasting the time, the energy, or the mental effort of trying to build a plan that’s going to blow up, because you can’t see beyond Event Horizons, and things are GOING to happen that you can’t know before you achieve the final outcome.

You’re not going to waste time on any of that. You’re simply going to take ALL of your energy. Combine it together. And make a…

Crusade Of Force
On Your Very Next Step.

So what’s the very next thing you need to do?

You might decide:

“The thing I need to do next, is I need to do some research.”

“I need to find out information.”

“I need to make a connection.”

“I need to begin to train my body.”

“I need to begin to read a book.”

Whatever it is — make sure that whatever that next step is, is literally the next step. Sometimes we unknowingly trick ourselves into skipping beyond the Event Horizon.

So let’s say you need to meet a particular person to move this process forward…

Well, do you know that person? If so, then the very next step is picking up the phone and calling them or sending them an email.

If you don’t know that person, but you know someone who knows that person, who is going to make an introduction for you, then the next step is NOT meeting that person or talking to them.

The next step is contacting the person who knows them — to set up an introduction. Seems simple, but it’s astounding how often we forget to break it down like this.

Maybe the next step for you is not even that far along. Maybe it’s simply thinking about what you’re going to say or the email you want to write. And planning it out.

Whatever the next step is…

Make It As Small As Humanly Possible.

The smaller you make each next step:

  1. The more likely you are to be able to actually take them
  2. The more motivating it will be to take because it’s not a big deal to take it, and
  3. You know each step is connected to getting you to where you want to go: Your Post-Event. This naturally builds a sense of motivation and inspiration for you to do the things you really need to do.

So make the step as small as possible, and really analyze this for yourself — IS THIS REALLY THE FIRST STEP?

You might say:

“I need to accumulate the first one hundred dollars.” But that’s not really the first step.

The first step is “I need to do what it is going to take to EARN the one hundred dollars that I can accumulate.”

And in order to do that, there may be something I need to do before it. Like write an email with an offer in it to an audience that’s going to generate the money, or plan out a sales presentation — whatever it may be. There’s a million different breakdowns we can get to, to make it TRULY the very next thing you’re going to do.

And ALL you want to focus on is the very next thing you’re going to do.

And once you’ve done that very next step…

It Will Become Obvious To You
There’s Another Thing To Do.

This is when you’ve broken past your first Event Horizon.

“Now I’ve had that conversation with the person I needed to be introduced to. And that conversation led me to another introduction…”

Or: “That conversation led to a meeting we’re going to have, and I need to show up to that meeting.”

Or: “That conversation led to an opportunity which is now available to me, and if I produce this thing I can get that outcome from this person…”

Whatever it is — it’s going to become very obvious to you if you take these minor tiny little steps, what the next thing to be doing is. And when you do that, you know what happened?

You’ve eliminated the risk of unpredictability you had before — that were Event Horizons.

Because you don’t care about what’s past the Event Horizon. You never care. It’s useless to care about that.

All you care about is the next thing to be doing. The next thing that is before the event horizon, which — once you do that thing — will push the Event Horizon further into the future and lead you to your next action.

And the reason I’m sharing this with you in this particular way — is because…

Human Beings Are
Motivated By Action-Taking.

That’s how we work. That’s how we’re designed. That’s how the universe shaped our brains to survive up until now. It’s evolutionarily present for us for the last 500,000 years:

What’s in front of us is what we take action on. And many people get lost — because they put too many things in front of themselves.

OR, they produce an action that’s way out in the future, and they somehow or another “disappeared” in their imagination — or deleted — all the things that need to happen in-between.

And when someone places a task they need to do beyond an Event Horizon. Their body knows they can’t take the action that they’re thinking about.

They can’t think about spending the hundred dollars they haven’t made yet. Because they don’t have the hundred dollars to spend. So their brain doesn’t engage with them and they have no motivation.

Their brain doesn’t support them in getting the outcome. But as soon as you do the thing that’s right there in front of you, it immediately supports you getting the outcome.

Look at it like this:

If you want to get a cup of coffee, your brain immediately understands you have to stand up and walk toward wherever the coffee is. If that’s what you put in place, your body begins to respond automatically by standing up and beginning the process of walking towards where the coffee is.

Your brain is an automatic response system.

And that process is still in your brain from the time when we were in the Savannah, in the jungles, in the woods, by the rivers, in the oceans, and so on — when we had to survive off of “the lay of the land” so to speak — we had to be part of the natural world, and we developed these intuitions to only take action on what we COULD take action on.

Our minds weren’t allowed to wander an hour, a day, a year, a decade, a lifetime ahead of ourselves. Because we wouldn’t have survived. So our brain accommodated what actually had to happen by organizing the way that it’s built to take advantage of…

The Moment Directly
In Front Of Us.

You’re going to build your life moment-by-moment, but IN RELATION TO a very powerful representation of the future. Which hopefully by now you’ve written down — and maybe even built that visual collage for.

So that’s where we are.

We’re back at the present with the very next step sitting right in front of us.

And step by step, we’re going to move through this model, never worrying about what’s beyond the Event Horizons, and taking action to move the Event Horizons further into the future … until they disappear and you reach your big Event and your outcome.

And hopefully by now you’re going to use this model — and we’ll be able to hear from you about how powerful it’s been. Because you can use this to…

Design A Life Of Super-High Quality
In Every Way Shape & Form.

And as you use this model, remember to keep going back to that Post-Event to experience it exactly how you want. Make that a daily habit. Because the more you build the positive expectation — the realization that everything you want has already happened, just not yet… because now you have a way to design it, and lay it out in front of you so you can achieve those things — then the more you’re going to live a life that’s going to give you the wealth, qualities, relationships, and experiences you want to be having.

And one of the things I’ll share about that is — you don’t know exactly what they're going to be.

The exciting part about this model is that even though we built these incredibly powerful memories of the future with your Post-Event, we built them in a way which allows the universe to conspire with us.

That whatever shows up for us and wherever we are at any moment in time… well, that’s where we want to be. Because we’ll be able to use it to get to where we’re going, and also have experiences we can’t even imagine yet. Experiences that might even be better than the ones we DID imagine…

That’s how you can use this model to have the adventure of your life.


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