Motivational Canvas Art Gets #Goodvibes
Do you want to be a world changer? Do you want to be a culture influencer? Do you want to change your life? These are obviously rhetorical questions. But what would it take? Quite simply – good vibes! We are serious. Don’t shake your head – that will only play to the masses. And you don’t want to be that person. You want to be the person that motivational canvas art is made of – the person whose daily wake-up call is #goodvibes!
#Goodvibes people are rare. And no, they don’t belong in an alternative universe or pseudo reality. They aren’t hippie relics stuck in a Woodstock past. They are an unstoppable force in a world of crumbling negativity. You often don’t see them because you choose to ignore them – they mess with your carefully preserved negative energy field and self-imposed comfort zone.
But do you know what the irony is?
You actually really want to be like them. There is no point denying it. You are drawn to them. While you sit in your little hole of grumbling self-pity, eating worms and critiquing their #goodvibes and choice of motivational art, their contagious magnetism remains irresistible.
Good vibes people have spent time sitting at the feet of prominent thinkers and influencers - the superpowers of positivity. They have adopted the mantra of German human rights activist, Akilnathan Logeswaran: ‘Vibe high and the magic around you will unfold.’ This mentality is far removed from the drug-induced high and fog of mind-altering substances. There is a science behind this paradigm mind-shifting focus and alternate thinking.
Good vibes are way more than just trendy modern day slang. They embrace a lifestyle philosophy that is holistic, decisive and confident. Those who emanate #goodvibes are guardians of the antidote to negativity and have the power to destroy and defeat it. They are relentless when it comes to making the world a happy and positive place.
Good vibes always starts with positive thinking. That is a no-brainer. Canvas art can be a powerful player in the process of shifting your mind’s energy. What you focus on becomes the subconscious motivator to your choices, goals and behaviour. Three little words on canvas art - Good Vibes Only – can have a BIG impact and a life-altering trajectory.
Imagine choosing not to engage in drama and toxic energy.
Imagine slaying the negative monsters within and without.
Imagine others rushing to bask in the glory of your shadow.
Imagine mitigating bad luck and owning your good fortune.
You don’t have to imagine it! It is within your reach and it begins by honing your positive energy and instinctive alacrity towards Inktuitive and making the Good Vibes Only motivational canvas art your very own.
Then, take on each day with an insuppressible #goodvibes force that completely desecrates the drudgery of a grey world, allowing it to explode with color and energy. That is how you change the world – one good vibe at a time!
We dare you to try it – it’s addictive!
To be inspired to change your life through changing your environment, view all Inktuitive’s motivational and inspirational canvas art. Shop online or shop our Instagram.
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