Motivational Canvas Art – From Little Miss to Girl Boss
She leans back and views the motivational canvas art dominating her corner office wall. A memory from 25 years ago floods back to her 7-year-old self being asked: ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’
Without hesitation, and with all the sassy confidence of a first-grader, she had answered: ‘When I grow up, I want to be a Girl Boss.’ The teacher had smiled indulgently and her peers had sniggered. But here she sits – her empire and success smiling back; her name in bold lettering and fancy font on the company logo. Atop her personalized stationery is Diane von Furstenberg’s inspirational mantra: ‘The success of every single woman is the inspiration for another.’
As she reflects on the moments of her journey - from a little girl with a big dream to the Girl Boss she is today - she mentally notes how she could inspire little girls in her next book to have persevering passion and relentless guts - because that is what it takes to sit where she sits.
This is not just the story and legacy of one exceptionally ambitious woman. Motivational canvas art reminds her that the seeds of such a destiny lie poised within each little girl and have the potential to grow, resulting in a myriad of Girl Boss success stories.
Little Miss Reality
The track to successful Girl Boss is not paved with unicorns and glitter, but with hard work and sacrifice - and motivational canvas art. Little girl dreams are shrouded in realistic strategies, timelines and goals. Obstacles are viewed as potential growth points and not a reason to give up. Cynical naysayers are silenced with gritty determination and when something ends – that’s ok – a new beginning awaits.
Little Miss Creativity
A young woman who embarks on a journey to success and stays the course to accomplished Girl Boss is never stagnant or predictable. She is a creative mastermind – daily challenging the boundaries of comfort zone thinking. Canvas art is the motivational key to keeping her inspired and driven to take risks. Learning something new, facing fears and always pushing to be an achiever creates a dynamic energy that never leaves those around her unchanged.
Little Miss Wise
Girl bosses know when to say ‘No,’ when to let go of toxic relationships, when to acknowledge defeat, and when to seek help from those who have walked in high heels before them. Humility is not viewed as a weakness - a successful girl boss follows sage advice, (often lining her walls in the form of canvas art) and adheres to the ancient proverb’s warning: ‘Pride comes before a fall.’
Little Miss Strong
Any little girl with the dream of becoming a Girl Boss when she grows up has to make the choice to be strong. Strength of character is evidenced in the fact that no matter her past insecurities, her present obstacles and her future fears, she believes in inner courage. She does not allow her past to define her – rather it grows her. Negative emotions are replaced with a positive resolve. Motivational canvas art reminds her to never be defined or judged by the status quo or cultural restraints.
Little Miss Integrity
A girl boss never compromises her value system. The legacy of living with integrity will far outweigh any short-term compromises and short cuts. If motivational canvas art inspires her to be anything, it should be this: to live with authenticity to her beliefs and to who she is. For respect to be earned and sustained, integrity is the holy grail of a successful Girl Boss’s journey.
Little Miss Grace
Word on the High Street is that successful Girl Bosses are bad-ass and kick-ass. This is a false assumption and such career journeys are often lonely and miserable. A little girl’s sassy confidence and independence should mature into graceful poise and a powerful presence that commands respect and owns an audience. She remembers where she came from, she listens, she shows compassion and offers support. She asks a lot from those around her, inspiring them to be better people. This rare quality is the secret to a Girl Boss whose own portrait is likely to become motivational canvas art one day.
If you want ‘Girl Boss’ success and for others to follow in your stilettos, then take note of these ‘Little Miss’ qualities. These character traits are grown over many years and through surrounding yourself with strong independent women who can inspire you.
At Inktuitive, our vision is to fuel yours toward a bigger future and shape your life. Right now, Inktuitive’s Girl Boss motivational canvas art is a wonderful investment to start you on that journey. It is also the ideal gift for any little girl whose dream it is to be a Girl Boss one day!
For more inspiring and motivational canvas art options, Shop All.
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