Inspirational Canvas Art - Once upon a Time...
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl with rosy cheeks and milky skin, named Snow White. You know the story: a jealous queen; a poisoned apple; a glass coffin. The last anyone heard, she was riding into the sunset with a prince, whose kiss had brought her to life again. That kind of love is all a girl needs, right? Wrong! Through some investigative journalism, we uncovered Snow’s real story and, in the process, found some inspirational canvas art!
The question on everyone’s lips was, ‘Whatever happened to Snow White?’ Some said she lived in Egypt. Others said they saw her on the streets of Manhattan. Finally, in a palace, we found her – a wrinkled woman with snow white hair, surrounded by inspirational canvas art.
She was ready to tell her true story.
Rocking in her chair, a smile crossed her face as she recalled her life with satisfaction. We asked her about the prince and her happily-ever-after. With a wild laugh, she said:
“Oh, honey, that’s not my story. My story really beganafter the so-called ‘Prince’ rescued me.
He and I lived in a small house (because he wasn’t actually a prince!). We ate simple meals (never apples!) and I spent years feeling angry and hiding in fear. But, one day, while I walked past a gallery showcasing inspirational canvas art, I saw a piece captioned, “Success is the best revenge.”
That motivational truth settled deep inside me. You see, everyone believed that the queen was jealous of my beauty. But it was so much more than that. She was jealous of who I was and what I could achieve. She feared it, knowing that, while I was in the woods, I wasn’t just singing with the birds (don’t let the cartoon deceive you!) I was working and building my future and my empire. I was smart and driven to succeed. She hated that and tried to destroy it.
After the Inspirational Canvas Art exhibition, I pulled myself out of my darkness and fear and decided it was time for my revenge. And it had nothing to do with poisoned apples.
I chased my dreams and I resurrected my plans.Through my determination, the prince and I built the life of our dreams. I bought that original canvas art for our home and gave the prince his palace!
I’ll never know if the queen found out about my success. But my true revenge is that I just don’t care! Her sabotage is swallowed in my happiness and accomplishments. This is my revenge! And it is sweet.”
We then asked her if the inspirational art on her wall is the one she bought from the gallery. ‘Oh no,’ she said, ‘That’s a painting of myself that I commissioned years ago!’ And then she gave it to us as a gift.
Now, you can purchase this Snow White original and be inspired to ignore the negative influences that prey on your failure. Stop wasting your energy on them and start pursuing your own success! It’s the sweetest, most rewarding revenge.
Be inspired to rewrite your story and hang our Sweet Revenge canvas on your wall. For more inspirational canvas art, shop Inktuitive’s online store and start living beyond the fairy tale.
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