How ‘The Poky Little Puppy’ Will Help You Access Infinite Intelligence
I have encountered proof that the “Theory of Universal Knowledge” is real. But you’re never going to believe me. What is the “Theory of Universal Knowledge”? This is the theory that states:
“There is a time for every idea, and when that time has come, the idea will spring into the minds of several people simultaneously.”
What’s even weirder is that the person who first showed me that the Theory of Universal Knowledge is 100%, irrefutably real, is the Poky Little Puppy. Remember him?
He just pokes along and looks at the trees. He looks at the flowers, and he looks at the bees. With a smile on his face he says, “Haste makes waste. You’ve got to stop, look, and learn as you go!”
You might have read that book when you were a small child, too. I probably haven’t listened to that little song or read the book it inspired for at least 25 years. But the story of the Poky Little Puppy has been a guiding influence since I was four years old. And, as strange as it may sound, the Poky Little Puppy has helped me…
Access Infinite Intelligence.
Here’s what I’m talking about. At the turn of the 1900s, there were only 8,000 automobiles in the United States. And with only 10 miles of paved roads across the country, cars were only seen as play-things for the rich and the elite.
But by 1908, Henry Ford was set to change this notion. He invented the Ford Model T — introducing the common American to the world’s first car. It seemed like the seeds of progress were finally starting to sprout.
And it was in that very same year that Napoleon Hill — the author of the seminal self-help book Think and Grow Rich — interviewed mega-industrialist Andrew Carnegie.
Now at that time, Andrew Carnegie was already one of the richest men in the world. He had facilitated mass production of steel — which was set to revolutionize the country by aiding rapid expansion of railroads and other key industries. But by the turn of the century, Carnegie sold his steel business for…
A Record 300 Million Dollars…
And turned his life over to philanthropy. He established 3,000 public libraries, and invested millions into American education. This is what gave Napoleon Hill the opportunity to write Think and Grow Rich.
Napoleon Hill said that during his life-altering time with Carnegie, he was tasked by Carnegie to study and interview dozens of the world’s most successful people — from Edison to Ford — with the mission of discovering their secrets to success.
Hill said these interviews were the key to his groundbreaking book, Think and Grow Rich — which went on to sell over 100 million copies. And it went on to inspire other self-help giants too, like Tony Robbins and Brian Tracy.
Now — in Think and Grow Rich, Hill says that humans can access a universal intelligence, which is…
Deeper Than
Individual Thought Itself
He writes:
“Through the faculty of creative imagination, the finite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence. It is the faculty through which ‘hunches’ and ‘inspirations’ are received. It is by this faculty that all basic, or new ideas are handed over to man.”
Hill believed that by getting into a state of creative imagination, and combining it with powerful desires and emotions, humans could access the “universal mind.” The intelligence of the “one consciousness that unites us all”.
And that is what allows us to “bring forth plans and insights previously unimaginable.” What Hill meant — is that the use of one’s creative imagination, as opposed to thinking things through with words in your head — is key to accessing…
The Power Of
Your Subconscious Mind…
…which draws upon the forces of infinite intelligence to deliver all groundbreaking insights, intuition, and breakthroughs in life and business.
Now — you don’t have to believe a word I just said yet. In fact, I don’t blame you if you think I’m crazy. Still — you must admit that many artists, writers, and inventors will attest that it feels like an intelligence far deeper than the thinking mind moves through us in times of deep imagination and flow.
So is it possible that the intelligence of the universe can be tapped into — and manifest in us — as the source of deeper insights?
Either Way —
Here’s How You Access This:
Deep creative imagination and flow are states where we are closer to our experience of the present moment as opposed to lost in thoughts about the past or the future. And you can access the present moment by bringing your attention AWAY from thought narratives in your head — yes, ALL narratives — and travel more deeply into your experience of the now. Just your present experience of the senses.
That is how you access awareness without thinking.
If you practice meditation and presence, you can verify that flashes of insight will often appear out of nowhere when in states of deep inner stillness. And that inner stillness is cultivated by calming the thinking mind — with an acceptance to “what is,” and moving attention deeply into the “now”.
Eckhart Tolle has said:
“True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found…. Is stillness just the absence of noise and content? No, it is intelligence itself—the underlying consciousness out of which every form is born”
He also said:
“Artistic creation, sports, dance, teaching, counseling — mastery in any field of endeavor implies that the thinking mind is either no longer involved at all, or at least is taking second place. A power and intelligence greater than you and yet one with you in essence takes over.”
—Eckhart Tolle
This is the feeling writers get when they feel the words are just streaming out of them. The piano player who enters deep flow — and feels like she’s no longer in control — because something deeper than conscious effort has taken over.
It's the great ideas that suddenly pop into your head while you’re in the shower — absorbed in the experience of the flowing water. And it’s those same inspired insights that bubble to the surface during meditation.
Sarah Blakely, the self-made billionaire founder of Spanx, said:
“I’ve identified where my best thinking happens, and it’s in the car… I live really close to Spanx, so I’ve created what my friends call my ‘fake commute,’ and I get up an hour early before I’m supposed to go to Spanx and I drive around aimlessly in Atlanta with my commute so that I can have my thoughts come to me.”
Flashes Of Insight
Seem To Arise…
…when we step out of the thought patterns about past and future. When we loosen our grip on forced, rigid, logical thought, and move our attention more deeply into the experience of the present moment. Allowing imagination to whirl around and dance freely — and then, to momentarily solidify into great ideas.
Even Albert Einstein said:
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
He was aware of the all-encompassing nature of creative imagination.
A mathematician once asked Einstein how he came up with his ideas and theories. Here’s what he said:
“The words or the language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any role in my mechanism of thought. The psychical entities which seem to serve as elements in thought are certain signs and more or less clear images which can be ‘voluntarily’ reproduced or combined.”
He seems to be saying that — instead of thinking things through with words in his head. It was that same loose dance — or play of images — before they solidified into logical concepts he could articulate.
I can go on and on showing you examples throughout history, everyone we regard as a “genius” in their own right has described their own way of accessing this infinite intelligence. From Nikola Tesla, to Steve Jobs, to Oprah — they’ve all had their own ways of letting knowledge bubble up from within to the surface. And you know what’s interesting about every great person in history who has made this a regular practice?
None Of Them Have Ever Had
“Formal Training” In Their Craft
They all figured it out on their own and became far better at what they did — than the people who gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to a university to get a piece of paper that told everyone else they were “certified".
But out of every genius in history — who has accessed this infinite intelligence — the Poky Little Puppy is by FAR the most brilliant. In fact, he’s the smartest little puppy I know (that book was telling the truth): “Stop, look, and learn as you go,” seemed like good advice when I was four, so that’s essentially all I’ve done since then.
In the ensuing decades, here’s what I’ve discovered:
When you stop and look with the intention of learning, the result is often that you “discover” a thing that has long been known by others. That’s okay. Maybe we’re all connected somehow — or maybe we all just think the same. You be the judge.
- Sometimes you discover a new thing only to learn later that several other people were making precisely the same discovery at exactly the same time. I attribute the phenomenon to the Theory of Universal Knowledge.
Occasionally you stop and look and learn a thing that no one has ever learned before. Then you can triumphantly march around the room singing the Poky Little Puppy song at the top of your lungs. Because you deserve it.
Poky and I believe that you can learn all you need to know by just looking and asking, “What makes that happen?” Then not letting your thinking get in the way of your creative genius. I am also convinced that you have been uniquely and wonderfully gifted to do whatever it is that will make you the happiest.
So why not do it? How many important things in your life have you simply figured out for yourself? Lots, right? But first you had to stop, stand still, and look. Yes, I know life’s urgencies are driving you far too fast to “stop and look” anymore.
You simply can’t find the time, right? Do it anyway.
No, I’m not saying slow down a little. I’m saying, the next time something catches your eye, hit the brakes, pull over to the side of the road, get out of the car, and take a good look around.
Allow some of that infinite intelligence to stir inside of you. You might just get your next hundred-million-dollar idea.
That’s what the Poky Little Puppy would do, anyway. And he’s the smartest little puppy I know.
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